
WebPreserver: Technolawyer Hot Product Report

See what an industry expert thinks about WebPreserver

What makes WebPreserver such a must-have forensic preservation tool?

Social media posts and web pages pose a challenge when you need to use them as exhibits in litigation or investigations. They don’t look the same when you try to save them as a PDF. Screenshot software cannot capture videos or unfurl hidden comments. Most importantly, these rudimentary methods may not withstand an authentication challenge. Overcoming these hurdles requires a purpose-built tool for litigators and their teams.

Neil J. Squillante, founder and publisher of TechnoLawyer, examines WebPreserver for his Hot Product Report.

Download this report to:

  • Get a third-party overview of our WebPreserver tool
  • See how WebPreserver can get months’ worth of work done in hours
  • Learn what TechnoLawyer calls WebPreserver’s “killer feature”
  • See how WebPreserver can streamline investigation and preservation work

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