
Automatically Archive Queensland State Agency Web/Social Media Content

The Queensland government has issued a guideline “Principles for the Use of Social Media” applying to all Queensland government departments. Some expectations on recordkeeping (10.4) below:

“Records created through the use of social media should be captured and managed in accordance with the Public Records Act 2002 and the associated recordkeeping Information Standards (Information Standard 40: Recordkeeping and Information Standard 31: Retention and Disposal of Public Records).

Remember that a public record may exist in any format, including emails, text messages and other digital forms. Different agencies use different recordkeeping systems and processes. In addition, different projects or initiatives may require more detailed recordkeeping controls depending on the risk and/or visibility of the initiatives, among other factors. Therefore, consideration should be given to what records need to be kept of the business being transacted, and how these records will be managed as part of your agency’s broader recordkeeping framework when planning the use of social media. Common information about the records you are creating that may need to be captured includes:

  • date of discussion or business activity
  • details of your name and other stakeholders involved
  • key discussion points
  • details of instructions or advice provided
  • approvals, decisions and recommendations made

Consult with your records management area to establish the best process for your department to capture and manage records created through social media applications. For additional information on recordkeeping from the Queensland State Archives, click here.

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